Delete consumption data

Consumption data that was previously submitted, can be deleted individually by referring to the consumption id. It is also possible to delete all consumption data belonging to a particular user or a specific user-item pair. Supported formats:
  • any





  • account - your account key.
  • consumptionid - a string that uniquely identifies the consumption.
  • format - response format.
  • account - your account key.
  • userid - a string that uniquely identifies the user.
  • format - response format.
  • account - your account key.
  • userid - a string that uniquely identifies the user.
  • itemid - a string that uniquely identifies the item.
  • format - response format.


HTTP status codes

  • 202 Accepted - the consumption will be deleted.
  • 400 Bad Request - required parameters are missing or provided parameters are malformed.
  • 500 Internal Server Error - indicates a problem on our end or with Amazon Web Services.


Delete consumption 38069781-1bb8-4a5b-b07c-a9a4da0d2115:
DELETE /sites/sandbox/consumptions/38069781-1bb8-4a5b-b07c-a9a4da0d2115.xml
Delete all consumption data of user A:
DELETE /sites/sandbox/users/A/consumptions.json
Delete all consumptions of item X by user A:
DELETE /sites/sandbox/users/A/consumptions/X.csv